For our Posterity: The Creation of the U.S. Constitution and Georgia’s Role in Securing the Dream of Liberty

Course participants will gain a better understanding of the Constitutional Convention and the role Georgians played in the creation and ratification of the most important document in American history. The course will explore several questions: What led to the 1787 Constitutional Convention? What was the Constitutional Convention and how did it work? Who were the Georgia delegates and what role did they play? What were the major issues debated at the Constitutional Convention? How did the states react to the proposed document?
Module 1 The 1787 Constitutional Convention
This module will give an overview of the 1787 Constitutional Convention. In this module you will learn why the convention was called, who attended, and what issues they debated. In each unit you may be asked to watch a video, read a short article, take a quiz, and/or explore an external website.
Unit 1 Overview of the 1787 Constitutional Convention  
Unit 2 The Articles of Confederation and the Need for a Constitutional Convention  
Unit 3 Delegates at the Constitutional Convention  
Unit 4 Major Debates of the Constitutional Convention  
Module 2 Georgians at the Constitutional Convention
This module will give an overview of the Georgians who attended the Constitutional Convention. In this module you will learn who was elected to represent Georgia at the Constitutional Convention, which delegates actually signed the final document, and what role they played in establishing the new nation. In each unit you may be asked to watch a video, read a short article, take a quiz, and/or explore an external website.
Unit 1 Georgia's Delegates  
Unit 2 William Few  
Unit 3 Abraham Baldwin  
Module 3 Drafting the United States Constitution
This module will give an overview of the process used by the Constitutional Convention to draft the U.S. Constitution. In this module you will be introduced to the draft copies of George Washington and Abraham Baldwin and learn how the delegates wrote and published the most important document in American history. In each unit you may be asked to watch a video, read a short article, take a quiz, and/or explore an external website.
Unit 1 Process of Drafting the United States Constitution  
Unit 2 George Washington's Annotated Copy of a Draft of the U.S. Constitution  
Unit 3 United States Constitution Draft Annotated by Abraham Baldwin  
Module 4 The States React to the New Constitution
This module will give an overview of how the different states reacted to the work done at the Constitutional Convention . In this module you will explore several primary sources that provide insight into the ratification process. In each unit you may be asked to watch a video, read a short article, take a quiz, and/or explore an external website.
Unit 1 States React to the Proposed Constitution  
Unit 2 Lachlan McIntosh Reacts to the U.S. Constitution  
Unit 3 Ratifying the Constitution  
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